Monday, April 13, 2015

Wiccan Magick versus...

What exactly is wiccan magick, natural magick, witchcraft, as opposed to the many other forms out there? We wiccans get accused of new age crap, and for some this is true, but is our magick any less effective than the others? Intent and projection are the keys, and love imo. Why should we repeat words we cant even pronounce most of the time nor know its meaning in some tricked out ceremony that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. I have never understood the whole angelic/demon casting bit. Do humans actually think they can call forth any spirtual entity, lol? Really?

I have never fallen for the ceremonial/enochian or any other forms, they make no sense. We don't have to do all that "crap" just to perform magick. Alchemy, lol, yeah don't even get me started, lol. Even John Dee got made a cuckolded fool with that lie. Magick comes from the heart, and an evil selfish heart calls forth bad magick, their lives mirror their art, they are to be avoided at all cost lest your own lives become sucked up into their evil, like a plague of stupidity.

There are many forms of natural magick, don't fall into the thinking that it should look like something out of a damn movie or fantasy book. We are not some satanist self-centered shit calling forth some demon or whatever they do. Love should guide our ways, the power arises from it. Yes we have our curses and banishments, we don't live in some fairy pop-sickle world, but witchcraft is about natural, earthy, crafty ways of practice, much like the wiccan religion itself.

Think about this, of all the famous "high" magicians that have been, were any successful? Did they not all die as broke, destitute, and lonely beings? I don't know of any that don't fit this bill. If that form of magick is sooo powerful, then why does it leave its followers as such. There is a price to pay, stay away, that magick is tainted...

Call natural magick a simplistic form of magick if you want, i call it cutting out the meaningless bullshit. Craft your magick to your desire and project its intent...and believe. It's that simple folks. Cast your magick circle in perfect love and perfect trust and ask the gods blessings in your witchcraft, try and follow the charge of the goddess in all you the circle round fair child...

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